Diabetes Control & Reversal
Nowadays Diabetes has become a common men's problem. Every third person is suffering from Lifestyle Diseases & the majority of them are suffering from Diabetes & BP. Diabetes & its complications are major causes of Disability & Deaths. VItal Organ damage & System Failures are the biggest health havoc. NapAyurVeda not only controls Blood Sugar levels very fast but also reverses the Diabetes & its most complications simultaneously & successfully.
Thus patients will live with Good Health & Immunity throughout life with NapAyurVada Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment.
About NapAyurVeda Treatment Procedures for Diabetes Management
NapAyurVeda’s RC-RCT (™ Logo ) is a unique treatment program that uses sophisticated modern diagnostic technology for accurate diagnosis, assessing Root Cause, Status of Disease & its complications. Then focus on targeted treatment for elimination of Root & Remote causes of Disease. Medicines & Panchakarma are plans for Breaking Etio - Pathogenesis of Diabetes & Diabetic Complications.
Simultaneous Correction are made at multiple levels of Gut Digestion to Cell Metabolism, Gut - Brain Connection ( CNS - ANS - PNS ), Brain - Hormones Connection ( NeuroEndocrine ), Brain - Mind - Soul Harmony, Anabolism Catabolism, Gut Immunity - Inner Intelect, Dosha - Dhatu - Mala - Strotas Equilibrium, System - Organ to Cell - Mitochondria level.
Sugar metabolism is corrected & regulated from Gut - Hormones - Insulin to Cell - Mitochondria level. NapAyurVeda treats root cause of Diabetes for breaking of Etio - Pathogenesis of diabetes & its complications. From Gut digestion to Sugar Metabolism at the level of Cell - Mitochondria get corrected effectively thus Sugar levels are controlled in 2 - 7 days & Diabetes Reversal takes place in 45 days. Diabetic Complications are well controlled in 90 Days thus Risk to life is significantly reduces
Diabetic Complications are the biggest health havoc & causing Degeneration - Damage to Vital Organs - Failure as well as System failures. Diabetic patient's' quality of life becomes very low, painful & disabled. NapAyurVeda takes care of all disease factors significantly.